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Male Enhancement in Columbus

The Male Enhancement Therapy Shot

smiling couple

Men with erectile dysfunction (or, ED) aren’t the only people who struggle with their sexual health and wellbeing. Even men who don’t have ED might be unhappy with the look and responsiveness of their penis.

If you’re interested in male enhancement, you should consider talking to our team about the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot – an injection made up of platelet-rich plasma.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma and How Can It Help with Male Enhancement?

PRP vial

When you come in for the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot male enhancement treatment, blood will be drawn from your arm. The blood is then run through a platelet-rich plasma kit, or a PRP kit, which removes the red blood cells from the plasma.

PRP contains proteins that promote healing and growth. It’s being used in the medical community to treat:

  • Inflammatory issues
  • Ligament or tendon damage
  • Hair loss

Now, it’s being used as a male enhancement treatment because the regenerative properties of PRP encourage the growth of penile tissue.

The Male Enhancement Therapy Shot for Male Enhancement in Columbus, Georgia

Many men have found success with the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot in recent years. In fact, they’ve noticed an increase of 10%-20% in both the length and girth of their penis.

The first change is the increase in volume, which can happen immediately after the injections.

The growth in terms of length happens after the injections, with the penis growing slowly yet steadily for 6 to 12 weeks.

Some men have even noticed a change in the overall appearance of their penis. For men with Peyronie's disease, this is welcome news, as these injections have been able to give their penis a straighter appearance.

Another benefit to the use of this therapy is improved sexual response. Within four weeks, you’ll start to notice increased sensitivity. Erections will be easier to achieve, and they’ll last longer.

What You Can Expect at Your Appointment

When you come in for your Male Enhancement Therapy Shot appointment, the first thing we’ll do is numb the penis with lidocaine cream. Then, we’ll draw blood from your arm.

After the blood has run through the PRP kit, we’ll administer it into the penis in a series of five injections: two on each side of the shaft and one at the base of the head. You won’t feel any pain during the procedure due to the lidocaine.

Are You Ready to Give the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot a Try?

If you’ve been looking for a male enhancement solution, the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot might be the answer.

The Male Enhancement Therapy Shot is a quick, effective treatment that can increase the length and girth of your penis, and make sex an even more enjoyable experience.

Your penis should be a source of confidence and pleasure. If yours is leaving you feeling less than enthused, talk to our team about male enhancement in Columbus, Georgia.

Do you have questions about the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot? Contact us at (706) 507-3800 to schedule a consultation. We’re happy to answer all of your questions about the Male Enhancement Therapy Shot and other enhancement options.